Great night out at Auckland’s Town Hall to celebrate Matariki. The event, organised by Evitan, was excellent. We were treated to several of New Zealand’s premier Reggae bands and performers. Lomez Brown, 1814, Three Houses Down and, of course, Che Fu and the Krates.

My good friend Malcolm Lakatani was there with Che Fu as part of the band even though his proteges were performing in the Smokefree Pacifica Beats competition at the same time. Great news for Malcolm is that his band, Revived Rhythm – as it says on the T-shirt, came in first place in the heats!!
The lighting was good, but even so I was using quite high ISOs to keep the shutter speed up at a reasonable speed. Great effects from the lighting crew – almost making Malcolm look somewhat angelic! There’s more photos from the night on my Facebook page. Maybe take a look and perhaps like the page? That way you’ll get to see any new images I add as I shoot the bands etc. Just a reminder that you can always contact me to come and shoot your band if you need promotional images or performance shots.
I’ll finish this post with a few more images from the night. Perhaps leave me a comment and let me know what you think.